
  • Liubov Pavlyshyn кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри туризму, ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет», Україна



Ключові слова:

архівні документи, українсько-чеські міждержавні відносини, архів МЗС України.


У даній статті здійснено аналіз документів Галузевого державного архіву МЗС України як джерела з історії формування українсько-чеських дипломатичних відносин в контексті зовнішньополітичних пріоритетів Чеської Республіки. Автором опрацьовано та введено у науковий обіг неопубліковані архівні матеріали, зокрема широку документальну та договірно-правову бази, в яких розкриваються маловідомі факти становлення Чеської Республіки як незалежної демократичної держави, питання її місця на міжнародній арені та формування її зовнішньополітичних пріоритетів. Архівні матеріали включають аналітичні довідки, статистичні видання, аналіз офіційної зарубіжної преси, листи Посольств України до МЗС України з інформацією про внутрішньополітичні події та зовнішню політику країн Центрально-Східної Європи. У документах висвітлено різноманітні питання становлення, розвитку та динаміки політичного, економічного, культурного та наукового українсько-чеського співробітництва починаючи з 1991 р. З огляду на те, що важливий етап становлення українсько-чеських відносин відбувався на початку 1990-х рр., автор вважає за необхідне розглянути документи щодо перебігу дипломатичних відносин незалежної України з Чеською і Словацькою Федеративною Республікою (ЧСФР) від 1991 р. до кінця 1992 р. Для об’єктивного розкриття теми дослідження, автором використано різноманітні за своїм походженням, інформаційною насиченістю та загальною спрямованістю документи і матеріали, які містять багатий фактологічний матеріал, відображають різні етапи формування і розвитку зовнішньої політики суверенної Чеської Республіки, зокрема становлення її дипломатичних відносин з Україною. На основі опрацьованих документів автор приходить до висновків про активну співпрацю України з Чеською Республікою в зовнішньополітичній, економічній, науково-технічній та культурній сферах у період з 1993 р. по 2005 р. На основі опрацьованих джерел автор робить спробу дати оцінку українсько-чеському міждержавному співробітництву, дослідити місце України у зовнішній політиці Чеської Республіки.


Czup, O., 2008. Ches`ka Respublika i Ukrayina v mizhderzhavny`x vidnosy`nax kincya XX – pochatku XXI st. [The Czech Republic and Ukraine in Interstate Relations of the End of the Twentieth – Early Twentieth Centuries]: rukopy`s. dy`s. k. i. n. 07.00.02. L`vivs`ky`j nacional`ny`j un-t im. Ivana Franka, Ternopil`, 265 s. (in Ukrainian).

Fedorchak, T. P., 2012. Polity`chna transformaciya Ches`koyi Respubliky`: vnutrishni ta zovnishni vy`miry` [Political transformation of the Czech Republic: internal and external dimensions]: monografiya. Ivano-Frankiv. nacz. texn. un-t nafty` i gazu, Ivano-Frankivsk: Vyd-vo Ivano-Frankiv. nats. tekhn. un-tu nafty i hazu, 543 s. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Polity`chni py`tannya. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1993 rik, spr. 110. Koncepciya polity`ky` Ukrayiny` shhodo Ches`koyi Respubliky` [found 1, description 1. Political issues. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993, case number 110. The concept of Ukraine's policy towards the Czech Republic]. 04.06.1993. 62 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Oglyad presy` ta inshi informacijni materialy` otry`mani vid Posol`stva Ukrayiny` v ChR, spr. 040. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1993 r [found 1, description 1. Press review and other information received from the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Case 040. The Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993].15.12.1993. 90 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Oglyad presy` ta inshi informacijni materialy`, otry`mani vid Posol`stva Ukrayiny` v ChR. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1993 r, spr. 700. Perspektivy Ceske Republiky [found 1, description 1. Press review and other information received from the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993. Case 700]. 25.04.1993. 56 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Dovidky` po Ches`kij Respublici. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici 1993 r, spr. 6939. Vy`shegrads`ka trijka / chetvirka v polity`ci ches`kogo uryadu [found 1, description 1. Information on the Czech Republic. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993 Case 6939. Visegrad Three / Four in Czech Government Policy]. 12.01.1993. 12 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Oglyad presy` ta inshi informacijni materialy`, otry`mani vid zakordonny`x dy`plomaty`chny`x predstavny`cztv, spr. 6983. Korotky`j vy`klad vy`stupu Prezy`denta ChR V. Gavela na zustrichi kerivny`kiv krayin Rady` Yevropy` u Vidni 08.10.1993 r. ta jogo interv'yu presi pislya povernennya do Pragy` [found 1, description 1. Press review and other information received from foreign diplomatic missions. Case 6983. A summary of the speech of the President of the Czech Republic, V. Havel at the meeting of the Heads of State of the Council of Europe in Vienna on 8 October 1993 and his interview with the press after his return to Prague]. 13.10.93. 18 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Besidy` posliv. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici 1993r, spr. 6943. Zapy`s besidy` z dy`rektorom Yevroatlanty`chnoyi sekciyi MZS ChR I. Bushnyakom i zaviduyuchy`m mizhnarodno-pravovy`m viddilom ministerstva M. Doufekom [found 1, description 1. Conversations of ambassadors. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993. Case 6943. Record of a conversation with the Director of the Euro-Atlantic Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, I. Bushnyak and the head of the Ministry's international legal department, M. Dooufek]. 20.07.1993. 157 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Materialy` besid. Perebuvannya ukrayins`ky`x uryadovy`x delegacij MZS za kordonom, spr. 6943. Zapy`s besidy` z zaviduyuchy`m tretim viddilom MZS ChR Yu. Kalashny`kovy`m [found 1, description 1. Conversation materials. The stay of Ukrainian government delegations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad. Case 6943. Record of conversation with the head of the third department of the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic Y. Kalashnikov]. 20.05.1993. 157 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Materialy` besid. Perebuvannya ukrayins`ky`x uryadovy`x delegacij MZS za kordonom. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1993 rik, spr. 6944. Zapy`s besidy` z golovoyu Ches`koyi nacional`noyi rady` Milanom Ugde [found 1, description 1. Conversation materials. The stay of Ukrainian government delegations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993. Case 6944. Record of a conversation with the chairman of the Czech National Council, Milan Ugde]. 04.06.1993. 64 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Materialy` besid. Perebuvannya ukrayins`ky`x uryadovy`x delegacij MZS za kordonom. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1993 rik, spr. 6944. Zapy`s besidy` Ministra zakordonny`x sprav Ukrayiny` A. M. Zlenka z Ministrom zakordonny`x sprav Chexiyi J. Zyelen`cem [found 1, description 1. Conversation materials. The stay of Ukrainian government delegations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993. Case 6944. Record of conversation between the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine A. Zlenko and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic J. Zelenets].16.06.1993. 64 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Materialy` besid. Perebuvannya ukrayins`ky`x uryadovy`x delegacij MZS za kordonom. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` u FRN, spr. 6946. Zapy`s besidy` Prezy`denta Ukrayiny` L. M. Kravchuka z Prem'yer-ministrom Chexiyi V. Klausom [found 1, description 1. Conversation materials. The stay of Ukrainian government delegations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad. Embassy of Ukraine in Germany. Case 6946. Record of a conversation between President of Ukraine LM Kravchuk and Czech Prime Minister V. Klaus]. 23.10.1993. 146 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Oglyad presy` ta inshi informacijni materialy`, otry`mani vid zakordonny`x dy`plomaty`chny`x predstavny`cztv, spr. 6946. Zapy`s besidy` golovy` Komisiyi v zakordonny`x spravax Verxovnoyi Rady` Ukrayiny` D. Pavly`chka ta Posla Ukrayiny` v ChR R. Lubkivs`kogo z golovoyu «Gromadyans`kogo ruxu» ChR Yi. Dinstbirom [found 1, description 1. Press review and other information received from foreign diplomatic missions. Case 6946. Record of the conversation of the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine D. Pavlychko and the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Czech Republic R. Lubkivsky with the Chairman of the Civic Movement of the Czech Republic Mr. G. Dinstbir].13.08.1993. 146 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Besidy` posliv 1993 r. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1993 r, spr. 6946. Zapy`s besidy` z Poslom Ches`koyi Respubliky` v Ukrayini P. Masheyu [found 1, description 1. Conversations of Ambassadors 1993 Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1993 Case 6946. Record of conversation with Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Ukraine P. Masha]. 25.11.1993. 146 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Druge tery`torial`ne upravlinnya 1993 r, spr. 7979. Zustrich iz kerivny`cztvom zmishanoyi torgovoyi palaty` «Sxid» [found 1, description 1. Second Territorial Administration 1993 Case 7979. Meeting with the management of the East Chamber of Commerce]. 12.08.1993. 45 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Druge tery`torial`ne upravlinnya. Zagal`ny`j sekretariat. Zapy`sy` besid. Shhodenny`ky` spivrobitny`kiv viddiliv i upravlin`, spr. 7269. Zapy`s besidy` z Ty`mchasovo Povireny`m Ches`koyi Respubliky` v Ukrayini A. Murgashem [found 1, description 1. Second territorial administration. General Secretariat. Record conversations. Diaries of employees of departments and departments. Case 7269. Record of a conversation with the Temporary Attorney of the Czech Republic in Ukraine A. Murgash]. 18.07.1994. 130 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Druge tery`torial`ne upravlinnya. Zagal`ny`j sekretariat. Zapy`sy` besid. Shhodenny`ky` spivrobitny`kiv viddiliv i upravlin`, spr. 7269. Zapy`s besidy` z Poslom Ches`koyi Respubliky` v Ukrayini P. Masheyu [found 1, description Description 1. Second territorial administration. General Secretariat. Record conversations. Diaries of employees of departments and departments. Case 7269. Record of a conversation with Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Ukraine P. Masha]. 21.07.1994. 130 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x predstavny`kiv Ukrayiny`, spr. 7272. Zapy`s besidy` R. Lubkivs`kogo z kerivny`kom III-go tery`torial`nogo upravlinnya MZS ChR Yi. Kalashny`kovy`m [found 1, description 1. Record conversations, diaries of ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Ukraine. Case 7272. Record of R. Lubkivsky's conversation with the head of the third territorial department of the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic, Mr. G. Kalashnikov]. 21.06.1994. 40 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Zapy`sy` besid. Shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x dy`plomaty`chny`x predstavny`cztv v Ukrayini, spr. 7274. Zapy`s besidy` radny`ka Posol`stva Ukrayiny` v ChR V. M. Moroza iz zaviduyuchoyu mizhnarodno-ekonomichny`m viddilom MZS ChR M. Kashhalovoyu [found 1, description. 1. Conversation. Diaries of ambassadors and permanent diplomatic missions in Ukraine. Case 7274. Recording of a conversation between the adviser of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic, VM Moroz, with the head of the international and economic department of the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic, M. Kashchalova]. 21.02.1994. 124 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x dy`plomaty`chny`x predstavny`cztv Ukrayiny`, spr. 7274. Zapy`s besidy` radny`ka Posol`stva Ukrayiny` v ChR V. M. Moroza z general`ny`m dy`rektorom Yevroatlanty`chnoyi sekciyi MZS ChR I. Bushnyakom [found 1, description 1. Records of conversations, diaries of ambassadors and permanent diplomatic missions of Ukraine. Case 7274. Record of a conversation between the Counselor of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic, VM Moroz, with the Director General of the Euro-Atlantic Section of the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic, I. Bushnyak].17.01.1994. 124 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` spivrobitny`kiv posol`stv i predstavny`cztv Ukrayiny`, spr. 7275. Zapy`s besidy` radny`ka Posol`stva Ukrayiny` v ChR M. V. Kuczkira z nachal`ny`kom Upravlinnya Ministerstva promy`slovosti i torgivli ChR Ya. Gronikom [found 1, description 1. Record conversations, diaries of Embassies and Representatives of Ukraine. Case 7275. Record of conversation of the adviser of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic MV Kutskir with the head of the Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Ya. Gronik]. 05.04.1994. 25 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` spivrobitny`kiv posol`stv i predstavny`cztv Ukrayiny`, spr. 7277. Zapy`s besidy` radny`ka Posol`stva Ukrayiny` v ChR M. V. Kuczkira z nachal`ny`kom Upravlinnya yevropejs`ky`x struktur MZS ChR Ya. Prshivrats`ky`m [found 1, description1. Record conversations, diaries of Embassies and Representatives of Ukraine. Case 7277. Record of a conversation with the adviser of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic, MV Kutskir, with the head of the Office of European Structures of the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic]. 21.11.1994. 20 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x dy`plomaty`chny`x predstavny`cztv Ukrayiny`, spr. 7318. Zapy`s besidy` Posla Ukrayiny` ChR z Prezy`dentom ChR V. Gavelom [found 1, description 1. Records of conversations, diaries of ambassadors and permanent diplomatic missions of Ukraine. Case 7318. Record of the conversation of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Czech Republic with the President of the Czech Republic V. Havel]. 19.05.1994. 116 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Upravlinnya Yevropy` ta Amery`ky`, spr. 7803. Pozy`ciya Ches`koyi Respubliky` shhodo Central`noyevropejs`koyi iniciaty`vy` ta Ugody` pro zonu vil`noyi torgivli krayin Central`noyi Yevropy` [found 1, description 1. Office of Europe and America. Case 7803. The Czech Republic's position on the Central European Initiative and the Central European Free Trade Area Agreement]. 01.04.1995. 43 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR. Oglyad presy` ta inshi informacijni materialy`, otry`mani vid postijny`x predstavny`cztv Ukrayiny` za kordonom, spr. 7777 [found 1, description 1. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Press review and other information received from the Permanent Missions of Ukraine abroad. Case 7777]. 19.04.1995. 117 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Materialy` besid. Perebuvannya ukrayins`ky`x uryadovy`x delegacij MZS za kordonom, spr. 7804. Do besidy` Prezy`denta Ukrayiny` L. D. Kuchmy` z Prezy`dentom ChR Vaczlavom Gavelom ta golovoyu Uryadu ChR Vaczlavom Klausom [found 1, description 1. Conversation materials. The stay of Ukrainian government delegations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad. Case 7804. Before the conversation of the President of Ukraine LD Kuchma with the President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus]. 03.04.1995. 83 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Upravlinnya Yevropy` ta Amery`ky`, spr. 7811. Informaci yapro «krugly`j stil» na temu «suchasny`j stan peretvoren` u krayinax Central`noyi ta Sxidnoyi Yevropy` na perexidnomu etapi do ry`nkovoyi ekonomiky`» [found 1, description 1. Office of Europe and America. Case 7811. Information about the roundtable on the current state of transformation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe at the transition stage to a market economy]. 01.06.1995. 25 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici 1996 r, spr. 8429. Informaciya pro reakciyu v Ches`kij Respublici na vy`stup prezy`denta SShA B. Klintona shhodo pry`jnyattya pershoyi grupy` krayin-kandy`dativ v NATO [found 1, description 2. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1996. Case 8429. Information on the reaction in the Czech Republic to the speech of US President B. Clinton on the admission of the first group of NATO candidate countries]. 28.10.1996. 134 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 1. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x predstavny`kiv Ukrayiny`, spr. 8568. Zapy`s besidy` Posla Ukrayiny` v ChR A. A. Ozadovs`kogo z Golovoyu Palaty` deputativ Parlamentu Ches`koyi Respubliky` M. Ugde [found 1, description 1. Record conversations, diaries of ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Ukraine. Case 8568. Record of the conversation of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Czech Republic AA Ozadovsky with the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic M. Ugde]. 15.12.1995. 116 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x predstavny`kiv Ukrayiny`, spr. 8568. Zapy`s besidy` Posla Ukrayiny` v ChR A. A. Ozadovs`kogo z dy`rektorom Departamentu polity`ky` bezpeky` Ministerstva zakordonny`x sprav Ches`koyi Respubliky` G. Fajmonom [found 1, description 2. Record conversations, diaries of ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Ukraine. Case 8568. Record of the conversation of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Czech Republic AA Ozadovsky with the Director of the Security Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic G. Feimon]. 05.06.1996. 116 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x predstavny`kiv Ukrayiny`, spr. 8568. Zapy`s besidy` Posla Ukrayiny` v ChR A. A. Ozadovs`kogo z dy`rektorom Departamentu polity`chnogo analizu i planuvannya MZS Ches`koyi Respubliky`, radny`kom Ministra zakordonny`x sprav ChR Ya. Vinklerom [found 1, description 2. Record conversations, diaries of ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Ukraine. Case 8568. Record of the conversation of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Czech Republic AA Ozadovsky with the Director of the Department of Political Analysis and Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic J. Winkler]. 15.07.1996. 116 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x predstavny`kiv Ukrayiny`. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij respublici 1997 r, spr. 8711. Zapy`s besidy` iz Zastupny`kom Ministra zakordonny`x sprav ChR Cz. Svobodoyu [found 1, description 2. Record conversations, diaries of ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Ukraine. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1997 Case 8711. Record of the conversation with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Ts. Svoboda]. 04.08.1997. 42 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Zapy`sy` besid, shhodenny`ky` posliv i postijny`x predstavny`kiv Ukrayiny`. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici 1997 r, spr. 8711. Informaciya pro vy`stup G. fon Mol`tke [found 1, description 2. Record conversations, diaries of ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Ukraine. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1997 Case 8711. Information about G. von Moltke's speech]. 10.11.1997. 42 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Upravlinnya polity`chnogo analizu ta planuvannya. Zapy`sy` besid, oglyady` presy`, spr. 8869. Oglyad ches`koyi presy` pro uchast` Ministra oborony` ChR v zustrichi kerivny`kiv oboronny`x vidomstv krayin-chleniv NATO v m. Maastrixt [found 1, description 2. Office of Political Analysis and Planning. Record conversations, press reviews. Case 8869. Overview of the Czech press on the participation of the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic in the meeting of the Heads of Defense Offices of NATO member countries in Maastricht]. 02.10.1997. 21 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Upravlinnya polity`chnogo analizu ta planuvannya. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1998 r, spr. 8874. Insty`tut doslidzhen` «Sxid-Zaxid» [found 1, description 2. Office of Political Analysis and Planning. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1998. Case 8874. East-West Research Institute. 2. Office of Political Analysis and Planning. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1998 Case 8874. East-West Research Institute]. 02.03.1998. 32 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 2. Noty`, pam'yatni zapy`sky`, memorandumy` posol`stv inozemny`x derzhav do MZS Ukrayiny`. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v ChR 1998 r, spr. 9394. Informaciya shhodo shlyaxiv ta mexanizmiv koordy`naciyi v ChR u sferi zovnishnix znosy`n [found 1, description 2. Sheet music, memos, memoranda of foreign embassies to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic 1998 Case 9394. Information on ways and mechanisms of coordination in the Czech Republic in the field of external relations]. 11.02.1998. 24 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 3. Oglyady` presy` ta inshi informacijni materialy`, otry`mani vid zakordonny`x ustanov, spr. 9575. Pro Radu bezpeky` Ches`koyi Respubliky` [found 1, description 3. Press reviews and other information received from foreign institutions. Case 9575. On the Security Council of the Czech Republic]. 22.04.1998 r. 28 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5. Zagal`noyevropejs`ky`j proces. Polity`chni aspekty`, spr. 13041. Central`noyevropejs`ka iniciaty`va [found 1, description. Europe-wide process. Political aspects. Case 13041. Central European Initiative]. 06.10.2003. 83 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5. Opy`s 5. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij respublici, spr. 13134. Anality`chna zapy`ska shhodo funkcionuvannya Vy`shegrads`koyi grupy` [found 1, description 5. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Case 13134. Analytical note on the functioning of the Visegrad Group]. 22.05.2003. 15 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij respublici, spr. 13136. Informacijno-anality`chny`j material shhodo poetapnogo xarakteru yevropejs`koyi integraciyi [found 1, description 5. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Case 13136. Information and analytical material on the phased nature of European integration]. 14.07.2003. 5 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 13142. Administraciya PU. Pro rezul`taty` vy`konannya doruchennya PU shhodo planu dij Ukrayina-YeS. 20 ark [found 1, description 5. Case 13142. PU Administration. On the results of the implementation of the PU's mandate on the EU-Ukraine Action Plan]. 19.06.2003. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 150153. Anality`chna zapy`ska VRU shhodo diyal`nosti organiv vlady` u galuzi prav lyudy`ny`, nacional`ny`x menshy`n i mizhnacional`ny`x vidnosy`n [found 1, description 5. Case 150153. Analytical note of the Verkhovna Rada on the activities of the authorities in the field of human rights, national minorities and inter-ethnic relations]. 26.02.2005. 10 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 15720. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici. Zapy`s besidy` z Dy`rektorom Upravlinnya OON MZS ChR Ya. Karoyu shhodo mozhly`vosti nabuttya Ukrayinoyu chlenstva u vy`konavchomu organi Spil`noty` Demokratij [found 1, description 5. Case 15720. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Record of conversation with the Director of the United Nations Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic J. Kara on the possibility of Ukraine becoming a member of the executive body of the Community of Democracies]. 26.04.2005. 15 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 15721. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici. Shhodo mexanizmu pry`yednannya Ukrayiny` do zayav YeS u sferi SZBP [found 1, description 5. Case 15721. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Concerning the mechanism of Ukraine's accession to the EU's CFSP statements]. 19.04.2005. 133 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 15721. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici. Shhodo organizaciyi roboty` z pidgotovky` proektu Yevropejs`koyi ugody` pro asociaciyu v ChR [found 1, description 5. Case 15721. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Concerning the organization of work on the preparation of the draft European Association Agreement in the Czech Republic]. 27.07.2005. 133 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 15053. Posol`stvo Ukrayiny` v Ches`kij Respublici. Shhodo narady` kerivny`kiv zakordonny`x dy`plomaty`chny`x ustanov Ukrayiny` [found 1, description 5. Case 15053. Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Concerning the meeting of heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine]. 14.06.2005. 35 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 15061. Polity`chny`j departament CYEI. Vy`shegrads`ka grupa. Dovidky` po krayinax [found 1, description 5. Case 15061. CEI Political Department. Visegrad group. Country Help]. 20.07.2005 – 20.10.2005. 230 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 15061. Polity`chny`j departament CYEI. Shhodo perspekty`vny`x napryamkiv spivrobitny`cztva z krayinamy` Vy`shegrads`koyi chetvirky` [found 1, description 5. Case 15061. CEI Political Department. Concerning perspective directions of cooperation with the Visegrad Four countries]. 16.06.2005. 230 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 5, spr. 15062. Shhodo polity`ky` YeS u sferi nadannya dopomogy` u cilyax rozvy`tku [found 1, description 5. Case 15062. On EU development assistance policy]. 18.04.2005. 128 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 1, op. 6, spr. 15052. Mizhnarodni polity`chni konferenciyi za uchasti Ukrayiny` [found 1, description 6. Case 15052. International political conferences with the participation of Ukraine]. 26.01.2005 – 19.08.2005. 54 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 2. Mizhnarodni dogovory`, op. 210. Upravlinnya Amery`ky` ta Yevropy`. Dvostoronni ugody`, spr. 659. Dogovir pro druzhni vidnosy`ny` i spivrobitny`cztvo mizh Ukrayinoyu ta Ches`koyu Respublikoyu [found 2, International Treaties. Description 210. Office of America and Europe. Bilateral agreements. Case 659. Agreement on friendly relations and cooperation between Ukraine and the Czech Republic]. 26.04.1995. 67 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 2. Mizhnarodni dogovory`, op. 210. Upravlinnya Amery`ky` ta Yevropy`. Dvostoronni ugody`, spr. 1600. Ugoda mizh Ministerstvom oborony` Ukrayiny` ta Ministerstvom oborony` ChR pro vzayemne spivrobitny`cztvo [found 2, International Treaties. Description 210. Office of America and Europe. Bilateral agreements. Case 1600. Agreement between the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic on mutual cooperation]. 02.04.1996. 76 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 2. Mizhnarodni dogovory`, op. 210. Upravlinnya Amery`ky` ta Yevropy`. Dvostoronni ugody`, spr. 1265. Spil`na zayava Prezy`dentiv Ukrayiny` ta Ches`koyi Respubliky` [found 2, International Treaties. Description 210. Office of America and Europe. Bilateral agreements. Case 1265. Joint statement by the Presidents of Ukraine and the Czech Republic]. 02.07.1997. 22 ark. (in Ukrainian).

GDA MZS, f. 2. Mizhnarodni dogovory`, op. 210. Drugy`j tery`torial`ny`j departament, spr. 15993. Protokol pro spivrobitny`cztvo mizh ministerstvom zakordonny`x sprav Ukrayiny` ta Ministerstvom zakordonny`x sprav Ches`koyi Respubliky` [found 1, International Treaties. Description 210. Second Territorial Department. Case 15993. Protocol on cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic]. 22.10.2001. 44 ark. (in Ukrainian).

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Korsak, R. V., 2007. Ukrayins`ko-ches`ke mizhderzhavne spivrobitny`cztvo v 1991 – 2005 rr. [Ukrainian-Czech Interstate Cooperation in 1991 – 2005]: monografiya, Uzhgrod: Grazhda, 208 s. (in Ukrainian).

Korsak, R.V., 2013. Polity`chna i ekonomichna spivpracya Ukrayiny` ta Chexiyi v umovax transformaciyi suspil`ny`x vidnosy`n (2000 – 2012 rr.) [Political and Economic Cooperation between Ukraine and the Czech Republic in the Conditions of Transformation of Public Relations (2000 – 2012)]: monografiya, Uzhgorod. Vy`davny`cztvo FOP Breza A. E., 518 s. (in Ukrainian).

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Як цитувати

Pavlyshyn, L. (2020). ДОКУМЕНТИ ПРО СТАНОВЛЕННЯ ТА РОЗВИТОК ДИПЛОМАТИЧНИХ ВІДНОСИН МІЖ УКРАЇНОЮ ТА ЧЕСЬКОЮ РЕСПУБЛІКОЮ У ФОНДАХ ГАЛУЗЕВОГО ДЕРЖАВНОГО АРХІВУ МІНІСТЕРСТВА ЗАКОРДОННИХ СПРАВ УКРАЇНИ (1991 – 2005 рр.). Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія: Історія, (1 (42), 339–348. https://doi.org/10.24144/2523-4498.1(42).2020.202539



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